Payment to Hearthstone will be collected in advance of play by the pro shop
(cash or credit card). Three dollars for our prize money will be collected in cash at lunch.
After you register you can go back and view the registration page if
you want to check that your name is on the list. If for some reason
you must "unregister" later, please call or email the person doing the
pairings for this month. You cannot "unregister" online.
To bring a guest: First
register more than 1 (one) above, then fill out the registration form
for both you and your guest, and don't forget to enter the guest's 18
hole handicap in the field provided.
Organized by Houston Amoco Retirees Golf Group
Ticket Info: Register Now..., Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/233727084/upcoming