135 S Broadway St,
Akron, Ohio 44308

Heart to Heart Communications is proud to announce that Alan J. Bleyer, President and CEO, Akron General Health System, will be our
keynote speaker at the sixteenth annual Greater
Akron Speaks Out for Values Breakfast at Quaker Station on Monday, April 27, 2009. Heart to Heart Communications, Inc. is
a nonprofit organization focused on strengthening the connections between
peoples inner spirit, ethical values, and daily work. This year, 700 people are expected to
attend this community event.

The breakfast and keynote speech will take place from 7:10
8:45 a.m. Mr. Bleyers topic is Using
Your Moral Compass to Navigate the World

This program is one of our most popular events and we are delighted to have
Alan Bleyer as our keynote speaker, stated Fr. Norm Douglas, executive
director who with attorney Larry Vuillemin co-founded Heart to Heart
Communications nearly 20 years ago.
This annual event provides an opportunity for people from various
workplaces to come together to be reminded of, to affirm, and to celebrate the
core spirit and values which serve as the foundation of our relationships and
our work. People are inspired to
return to their daily work with a deeper sense of purpose and ethical

For more information concerning the Greater Akron Speaks Out
for Values Breakfast, please contact Mary Ann Boland at 330.434.3278 or maryann@h2hc.org.

Ticket Info:  Individual, $25.99

Official Website: http://h2hbreakfast-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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