Heart of the Valley Septembeerfest is the northwest beer lover's brewfest. The best of the Valley's craft beer will be featured Saturday, Sept. 27, 2008 from noon to 9 p.m. at the Benton County Fairgrounds, Corvallis, OR. Entry is $10 and includes a glass and two samples.
Coordinated by the Heart of the Valley Homebrewers, the event was formerly known as the Oregon Homebrew and Microbrew Festival. After 25 years, the club has decided to split the competition and festival. The competition will remain in May, while Septembeerfest makes its debut in September.
The Proceeds will go to help the Linn Benton Food Share and the Oregon State University Fermentation Sciences Program. There will be a shuttle running for the Septembeerfest from 3:30 pm to 10:30 pm. It will have 2 pickup and drop off sites at Block 15 in Downtown and Reser Stadium on the OSU campus. We will have bike racks available by the entrance. The CTS busses will be running from the Downtown Transit Center at 2:05 and 3:05 pm on Route C3. http://www.ci.corvallis.or.us/downloads/pw/ctsRt3swcom.pdf
Official Website: http://www.hotv.org/septfest/
Added by gepr on September 22, 2008