The Heard Natural Science Museum 2009 Photography Contest is going on now! Choose from numerous different photographic categories within these themes: wild nature, shared world, artistic, creative interpretation, and nature experiences at the Heard. All proceeds from the contest will help to support and maintain the Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary. For photography contest submission dates, category details, entry fees, registration forms and other pertinent information, visit
Mail-In Submission: must be received between February 1 – February 14, 2009. You may call the Heard to see if your photos have been received. In-Person Submission: Saturday February 7, 9 am-1 pm; Sunday February 8, 1 pm – 4:30 pm; Saturday February 14, 9 am – 12:30 pm. Photos on Display: February 22 – March 27. Reception: March 1, 2009.
Official Website:
Added by heard_marketingassistant on January 31, 2009
I wanted to know if 1 person could enter ALL the categories or if there's a limit.
If 1 peson can enter more than 1 category, does that person have to pay for every category they enter?