1. Matthew A. Johnson, Psy.D., MSW
Topics: 1. “The Philosophical Underpinnings of an Effective Parenting Program: No More Flying By The Seat of Your Pants”
2. “Positive Parenting with a Plan (Grades K-12) F.A.M.I.L.Y Rules”
2. Robert W. Sears, MD, FAAP
Topics: 1. “Attachment Parenting: The Science Behind the Style”
2. “Vaccines: Making an Educated Decision for Your Children”
3. Elizabeth Jackson, MS, RD. (Ellyn Satter Consultant)
Topics: 1. “Nurturing Eating Competence to Prevent Eating Disorders and Obesity”
2. “Nurturing Eating Competence: Ask the Feeding and Eating Expert”
4. Victor C. Strasburger, MD
Topics: 1. “Adolescents & the MediA: Be Afraid, be Very Afraid”
2. “Q & A: Protecting Kids From Harmful Media”
Official Website:
Added by DCOE on July 7, 2008