Broughr to you by IOMC Education Portal, this Free Online workshop investigates Health Risk Assessments and Return on Investment topic.
Hospitals and corporate wellness promotion programs are collecting health risk assessment (HRA) data for various purposes. During this 60-minute workshop, Dr. Yann Meunier will describe new developments and enhancements to health risk assessments that increase participant engagement and return on investment (ROI).
In particular, he will address the following:
* Assessing ROI from an HRA;
* Targeting hard-to-reach populations to complete an HRA;
* Engaging physicians to act on HRA data;
* Integrating HRA data with other sources, such as claims and pharmacy statistics;
* Creating an effective incentive structure for HRA completion;
* Developing adequate interventions from HRA data;
* Stratifying HRA participants to appropriate levels of intervention; and
* Showing new uses for HRAs.
The workshop is hosted by IOMC ( and presented by Dr. Yann Meunier drom Stanford University, USA.
For more information about this workshop and enrolling in it, please see
Added by Mostafa-Nejati on February 2, 2009