212 High Holborn,
London, England WC1V 7BF

Tuesday 7th April 2009
12.30 - 14:00pm

The session will look at how the public and third sector organisations can be involved in commissioning decisions in health. David Gilbert, formerly at the NHS Centre for Involvement and now Director of InHealth Associates will speak about his work for the Department of Health and Croydon PCT developing the 'engagement - cycle model' -a new and comprehensive approach to Patient and Public Engagement in NHS commissioning. The engagement - cycle is intended to be useful for commissioning organisations, for example, primary care trusts (PCTs), GPs involved in practice based commissioners and those involved in collaborative commissioning decisions. It will also be of use for third sector organisations looking to influence commissioning at the local level. It is based on work carried out with Croydon PCT.

The session will have a practical focus, looking at how to actually get people involve din commissioning. Time will be available for applying the practical framework through interactive segments and for discussions with the speakers and members of the audience.

For information on the development of the e-cycle model please click here

I really hope that this information has encouraged your involvement in the event. It would be really great to have you along to discuss these issues further.

Ticket Info:  Health Practitioner Lunch, Free

Official Website: http://healthpractitionerlunch-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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