810 Haiku Road, Ste 265, Haiku Marketplace
Haiku, Hawaii 96708

Health & Wellness with Mariel Hemingway

DATE: May 7 & 8, 2010

May 7: 7pm - 8:30pm
May 8: 2pm - 3:30pm
May 8: 3:30pm - 5pm

ADMISSION: $50 per Session / $130 Weekend Package

The Studio Maui is proud to welcome health and wellness advocate, Mariel Hemingway, who is leading weekend classes on meditation, flow yoga, and food intention. As the author of Finding my Balance and Healthy Living from the Inside Out, Mariel has become a leading voice in holistic and balanced living. She leads by example, and teaches you how to be your best. Mariel has found her own personal treasures to be silence and a regular yoga practice. Meditation, laughter, and flow yoga are incorporated into her workshops. Mariel is an Oscar award winning actress, model, mother, author, producer, and yogi. She has practiced yoga under the tutelage of Rodney Yee and John Friend.

Guided Meditation Class
May 7, 7pm-8:30pm
Silencing the mind is Mariel’s specialty. Learn techniques that you can use in your daily life to harness your own calming power. Class begins with a gentle yoga flow to music that will prepare you for a deep grounding meditation. Connect with nature through breathwork and visualizations in Mariel’s guided meditation.

Be Your Own Healer
May 8, 2pm-3:30pm
Understand where and why the body stores memory of past experience, and how your yoga practice can bring you into the present moment to heal yourself. Using asana, Mariel will teach you about how specific muscle groups hold onto different emotions, and how you can release them. Harness your own healing power to release tension, tightness, and unhealthy emotions. Incorporates gentle flow yoga that is appropriate for all levels.

Set Your Intentions for Your Food
May 8, 3:30pm-5pm
Many of us eat food without intention, and hold fat in unwanted areas. Stress and emotional attachments can send food to specific muscle groups. Learn how to use breath to set intension for the foods you consume and prepare. Class starts with a food intention meditation led by Mariel Hemingway. Yogi Biologist and Raw Chef, Lela Buttery, will teach about ayurvedic food touch receptors, and how to create optimal digestion and absorption through posture and breath. Incorporates gentle flow yoga that is appropriate for all levels.

Added by Studio Maui on May 3, 2010

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