Thursday, November 16th
Forum on Local Foods, Mental Health, and Nutrition
Urban Community School
City Fresh Presents: Building Blocks for Sustainable Urban Food Systems-Conversations Over Stew. Come to the Urban Community School (4909 West Lorain) and enjoy a stew with local ingredients, apple cider, and bread. Did you know that there are food deserts in Cleveland where residents lack access to healthy foods? Such areas have high incidences of diabities and other diet-related diseases. Learn how local food systems can contrbitue to physical and even mental health by providing people with fresher and more nutritious foods and opportunities to connect with nature and community in the city. Presenters include Punam Ohri-Vachaspati, PhD with Ohio State University Extension, Jennifer Scofield with the Cleveland Department of Public Health, and Dr. Farah Munir, DO with University Hospitals. 6:00-8:00pm. Stew to be served at 6:00 with local food shorts from LESS Productions. The forum will run from 6:30-8:00.
Official Website:
Added by jeffschuler on October 13, 2006