8686 Kirby Dr.
Houston, Texas 77054

"The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of success is smile and joy"

A comprehensive 3 day workshop ( 2 hours each day) offering training in practices of Yoga and meditation along with ancient breathing techniques( Pranayamas) as a means to leading a healthier Life.

This workshop will be led by international humanitarian and spiritual leader His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

To reported benefits from workshop:
- Eliminate stress
- Sleep better and smile more
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Maintain harmony in relationships

Time: 6pm - 8pm ( on the 30th and 31st) and 8am - 10am ( on the Nov. 1st.)

Who is invited: 18 years and over! For specific queries and health concerns, email: houston@us.artofliving.org

Official Website: http://events.artofliving.org/hh2008

Added by Art of Living Houston on September 25, 2008