Healing Touch for AnimalsĀ® (HTA) is a holistic approach to healing using energy and intention to influence the health and well-being of animals.
Work hands on with animals during classes, experience the techniques and feel the energy!
Learn the basics of how to assist animals with their health and well-being, their behavioral issues and their physical, mental or emotional healing process.
To register online, simply visit our website at: www.HealingTouchforAnimals.com,
call the HTA Office at 866-470-6572 or contact the local coordinator, Cindy Baker, 484-459-8049. Check out HTA on You Tube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=kasZ9fzO2eI
Official Website: http://goo.gl/h3MY8
Added by GetPromotd Services on July 26, 2012