Healing Circle with Nancy Fox and Sam-U-el a crystal skull. Sacred Sam-U-EL Citrine Crystal Skull I am pleased to introduce Sam-U-EL, the crystal skull that I am privileged to partner. It seems that now is the time for Crystal Skulls to be more in the main stream awareness. Max, the crystal skull has been around the world for over 20 years, was the inspiration for the movie,"Indiana Jones, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". Sam-U-EL says that Max opened the door for him to do his work here on the Earth. There are 3 components of a Conscious Skull; 1 He lights up, and changes color 2 He appears to expand, or contract in size, and shape 3 He heals hearts, communicating thru lights, thoughts, and feelings. Sam-U-EL is a VERY RARE pale Citrine Quartz. This type of crystal is known for it's properties of taking on negativity, lower vibrations, and heavy emotions form people, and transmuting these energies, as well as, clearing old stuck patterns. Sam-U-EL's name , also, has 3 components. 1 Sam -is the name of the skull consciousness 2 U -all the people he works with 3 EL- prefix of the Eloheim, the Light Beings closest to God-Goddess, all that is And the suffix of the Angelic Kingdom Sam-U-EL, and I work with a Matrix of Ancient Wisdom Light Beings. I see them as HUGE Golden Beings. In the 2 years that we have been working together, we have seen hundreds of people, for health and emotional issues, and for Life Direction. The results have been, and continue to be remarkable!!!!and Vancouver, Canada. The ancient Mayans called the skulls, "Talking Heads, and Sam-U-EL is certainly that! He refers to me as,"Have Human, Will Travel". And, we are certainly doing that. We have visited, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, And, this year, already we have been to Seattle, and Ireland. SAm-U-EL will ":Rock Your World". with Healing, Love, and Joy. We look forward to our next visit with you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Many Blessings, Nancy, and Sam-U-EL Cost is $50 for healing and attunement. Call 443-396-1282 for more information or email events@InspiredJourneys.com to register.
Official Website: http://www.inspiredjourneys.com
Added by Inspired Journeys on July 22, 2010