Event Phone : 949-340-7408
Email : admin@templeoflight.info
Website : http://www.TempleOfLight.info
Description : Heal Your Life through the Power of Music!
Now through the power of Mark Romero’s sound healing technology, you can open the door for healing and transformation.
Through musical prescriptions, you will shift your energy and free yourself to create higher levels of health, success and dramatically improve your quality of life!
All breakdowns in life whether on a mental, spiritual, emotional or physical level are caused energy interrupters and until you null-in-void those interrupters, you will struggle to create true and lasting change in your life.
A former consultant to NASA has proven that Mark’s music eliminates the negative effects of energy interrupters freeing people to create quantum breakthroughs in their health, success and quality of life.
Now you have an opportunity to experience the power of this one-of-a-kind sound healing process in person!
In this program, Mark will create musical mantras live for participants and share powerful musical prescriptions designed to raise energy and empower participants to create extraordinary breakthroughs in health, success and quality of life!
In this program, you will...
* Open the door for healing & transformation
* Reduce stress and anxiety
* Breakthrough limiting thoughts and beliefs
* Create higher levels of success
* Begin to live with more passion and purpose
Here is what people are saying about Mark’s Sound Healing Technology:
“Mark’s sound healing has enabled me to conquer some of the deepest apprehensions that I have had about my personal and professional success. Already opportunities are appearing where before I only saw threats.” Gouthum K.
"Not only have you and your music helped me meet all of my objectives, I achieved some breakthroughs that I had not anticipated. I now feel liberated, light and ready to fully participate in the game of life with a more adventurous and less analytical mindset." Corrine L.
If you are ready to take your life to a whole new level of success, health and well-being, you are going to want to experience this amazing event!
Registration Fee: $20 advance purchase
$25 the day off or at the door
Official Website: http://www.TempleofLight.info
Added by Temple of Light OC on March 31, 2010