Each week we cover in detail techniques using breath, easy postures, and mindfull exercises to empower, clean, and super charge your energy centers. Power yourself up with many ancient techniques from all around the world. Learn how to build your power on command and how to use it at will. Learn techniques Troy has learned in Bali, India and from many sources to protect yourself and become stronger. Unlock your inner potential to heal and transform yourself with an indepth look at ancient Yogic breathing techniques, ways of thinking, pedigrees, hand gestures and right thinking. Learn different types of breath tools, when and how to use them on and off the mat in everyday life situations. Prana means breath, respiration, life, vitality, wind, energy or strength. It also connotes the soul as opposed to the body. Ayama means length, expansion, stretching or restraint. Pranayama thus connotes extension of breath and its control. Control over inhalation and exhalation and retention of breath. 'The Yogi's life is not measured by the number of his days, but by the number of his breaths." B.K.S. Iyengar This workshop is for the Yoga lover as well as the Non Yogi. .
Official Website: http://goo.gl/w9zet
Added by GetPromotd Services on June 8, 2012