6th Annual Heal a Woman to Heal a Nation Conference: Rejuvenating Sisterhood
Presented by Heala Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. in partnership with Coppin State University Office of Student Activities
Luncheon with All Star Celebrity Mom's
Luncheon Host Comedienne and Mom MESHELLEDr. Mahalia Hines (Hip Hop Artist Common's Mother)Dr. Brenda Greene (Hip Hop Artist Talib Kweli's Mother)Sheron Smith (Hip Hop Artist and Actor Mos Def's Mother)Cassandra Mack (Author of Handbook for Single Busey Mom's)
Morning Inspirational
Rejuvenation Space
Impactful workshops
Healing Village Marketplace
Highlighting The Raising Him AloneInitiative
2009 Workshops
Session 1-- 10:40- 11:55pm
Creating a Balanced Life: Takeyah Young
Fitness at Any Age: Ms. Roszetta Ryan
Eat the Cure "Taking Care of Me First": Dr. Baruch Ben- Yehudah
Session 22:30- 3:45pm
The Wealth Spa-Nurturing Women to be Health, Wealthy and WISE: Tiffany Lymon
One Life to Live-Rejuvenating the Dream: Brandy Adamson
Which Number One First?: Alison Velez Lane
Mastering A Power, Positive First Impression: Doris D. Cutler
Session 33:50pm 5:05pm
Love & Loyalty: Am I My Sisters Keeper?: Ria Clark and Julie Wilson
Women and Depression: Staying on Our Feet: Maxine Bigby Cunningham and Kathryn S. Farinholt
Creating a Stress Free Home: Maxine Dennis
Healthy Relationships: Dr. Cecil Gray
Raising Him Alone Track (These Sessions Run All Day) (**designed for single mothers raising boys but all are welcome)
Father Factor: Addressing the Pain of Our Sons Experiencing an Absent Daddy: Richard Rowe, AALI & Adeyemi Bandele, Executive Director of Men on the Move
Coping with the Day to Day Struggles of Being a Single Mother: Dr. Melva Green, Psychiatrist
Making Ends Meet on Tight Budget (Creating a Family Budget): Staci Price- Visionary Financial Services
Moms Role in Supporting Manhood Development Among Boys: Darlene Brown
Organized by Heal a Woman to Heal a NationHeal a Woman to Heal a Nation, Inc. is a community based organization that promotes holistic wellness for women and families through education, physical and mental health, economic and self empowerment. We heal our communities by first building and repairing the lives of women. HWHN believes that healthy, educated and empowered women produce healthy, educated and thriving communities.
Ticket Info: - General, $20.99
- Student, $15.99
- Group General ($15 Each), $153.75
- Group Student ($10.00 Each), $102.50
Official Website: http://hwhnconference09-upcoming.eventbrite.com