Headphones features David Bazan (Pedro the Lion), Tim Walsh (Pedro the Lion, TW Walsh), and Frank Lenz (Starflyer 59). Headphones was engineered and mixed by Jared Hankins in Seattle in the early days of 2005.
Built wholly from synthesizers (that?s right, no guitars), live drums, and the familiar warmth of Bazan?s syrupy vocal delivery, Headphones boasts deft arrangements with timeless melodies and uncanny lyrical depth, finding Bazan, Walsh, and Lenz at their best. Clean, open room recording; digital subtleties with analog affectations; seamless integration of electronic and rock and elements ? Headphones is a striking, sophisticated success.
Headphones poses a stark simplicity, relying on a limited number of voices ? reminiscent of early records by Low. Thematically, Headphones treads dark waters where a certain frankness and antagonism work to confront issues of love, loss and loyalty head on ? straight forward, no bullshit, no fucking around.
Headphones with opening band The Crystal Skulls. Tickets are $10.00 and are on sale now at The Velvet Room website, all Grey Whale CD Exchange outlets, and all Smithstix outlets.
Added by sam_ on June 3, 2005