Headed for law school?
Whether you’re getting ready for the LSAT, working on applications, or about to embark on your first year, don’t miss:
Kaplan’s Law School Insider and Forum
Agenda includes:
• LSAT Strategy Seminar
• Expert Panel and Q&A: A panel of admissions officers from all Chicago law schools will discuss a variety of topics, including:
o How might the economy affect attorney recruitment in years to come?
o How can you expect to be changed by your law school experience?
o What is the most important piece of advice for law school applicants?
• Networking Reception with Chicago law schools. Talk with reps from:
o Northwestern
o University of Chicago
o DePaul
o Loyola
o Chicago-Kent
o John Marshall
Enroll in a Kaplan LSAT Course that evening and receive $100 off tuition and one hour of Admissions Consulting FREE—that’s a $350 value!
Already been admitted? Ask about scholarships to Kaplan-PMBR’s Law School Edge program and be ahead of the curve for your first year! And ask us about ways to earn money during law school!
Kaplan’s Law School Insider and Forum
July 21, 2009, 6-9 pm
Northwestern University School of Law
357 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611
Space is limited! Register today by calling 1-800-KAPTEST or visiting us online at http://www.kaptest.com/enroll/LSAT/60606/events!
Official Website: http://www.kaptest.com/enroll/LSAT/60606/events
Added by Kaplan on July 3, 2009