Three Speakers & Networking Session
David Kappos (Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Stephen Key (Successful Inventor)
Damon Kali (Patent Attorney)
Make sure to show up early to network with fellow Inventors and with all three speakers
SPEAKER: David Kappos (Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
David's talk will focus on the new proposed Patent Reform legislation that will effect Independent Inventors and small businesses.
David will be seeking your feedback and suggestions during the talk. This is your chance to be heard as an independent inventor or small business!
SPEAKER: Stephen Key (Successful Inventor)
Stephen will show you why and how you can get into companies without having money, sales experience or even a patent in many cases.
Learn how to take full advantage of your position as an Independent Inventor or small company.
During his talk Stephen will show you. . .
* The 10 steps to bring your idea to market.
* How to identify potential hot market areas to invent in.
* How to bring your product to market without spending a lot of money.
* What companies are looking for ideas and how to get in.
Stephen's presentation will inspire you and give you the advice you need to sell your ideas.
SPEAKER:Damon Kali (Patent Attorney)
Damon is back by popular demand. This time he is going to present a very interesting case study that will help you figure out what to protect and patent. Do you protect that hinge, that motor, the way your invention works or is used? Damon will make it easier to understand and answer these questions for any idea you have now or in the future. Most inventors get confused about what it is exactly that they need to protect about their ideas. Damon will get you into the right mindset and clarify things for you. After his talk, you will have a better idea of how to lock up strong protection for your ideas.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 20, 2010