HD World '08 has just concluded and the event was an overwhelming success! Attendee participation increased by 15%! The planning for the 2009 event is already underway. Mark your calendars - HD World will be taking place October 13 - 14, 2009 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York, NY.
Please check back here for developing event details. To be added to our mailing list, please click here.
How can you leverage HD to expand your audience and market share as well as profitability?
How can you improve the quality of the experience for your viewers and justify the investment involved?
How do you navigate through the maze of technologies, architectures, formats, and business models to leverage HD to its fullest extent?
How and why will HD and SD continue to blend?
How do you best deliver digital content to everything from cell phones to wide screen TVs and digital cinema?
Where does HD fit into the film industry?
What new business models and enabling technologies are on the horizon?
When will HD production be fully digital end to end?Explore these and many more questions in-depth at the HD World Conference & Exposition, October 13-14, 2009.
Attend conference sessions, workshops and tutorials, visit over 200 exhibitors and network with the whos who from broadcast, cable, media & entertainment. Sign up for the HD World mailing list here!Define your strategies and tactics and find what technologies will work best for you in an HD World!HD World is a member of the CCW (Content & Communications World) family of events and is co-located with the IP Media Expo and SATCON.
HD World includes solutions for:
Attendees include:
Capture & Acquisition
Network Television
HD News and Sports
Cable Programmers
Cable TV, MSOs
Transport, Backhaul, Distribution & Delivery
Local Television Stations
Film & Cinema
Production, Mastering & Post-Production
Advertising Agencies
Digital Audio
Production & Post Production
Media Buyers
IPTV & IP Media
Government, Military & Security
Digital Asset Management
Enterprise Firms
Monitors & Displays
Government Video
Security & Surveillance
Enterprise Applications
Archival & Storage
The recent HD World was twice the size of the previous event, with exhibitors raving about the leads they got. "It's an awesome show, for both the quality and quantity of contacts. It's the greatest access to the decision makers in the industry." - Brendan Smith, Harris
Organized by Virtual Media CommunicationsVirtual Media is a systems integrator and provider of non-linear digital editing solutions with offices in New York City, New Jersey, Orlando, and Miami, Florida. We provide the latest hardware and software tools for non-linear digital editing, graphics, storage, and media management.
Official Website: http://hdworld2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com