We will be performing with Hazel (and Cormac!) again in London at 7:30pm on the 18th of November 2007 at the famous Dingwalls club in Camden Lock, North London. Our previous performance with her and Cormac, her harpist, was at The Old Market in Hove for the Brighton Festival in 2006 and was a fantastic evening for everyone there and Hazel and the choir have both been looking for an opportunity to perform together again so here it is.
Ticket Price £15 available from:
Ticketweb 0870 771 2000 www.ticketweb.co.uk
Ticketmaster 0870 534 4444 www.ticketmaster.co.uk
See Tickets 0871 2200 260 www.seetickets.com
Stargreen 020 7734 8932 www.stargreen.co.uk
We Got Tickets www.wegottickets.com
Official Website: http://www.rainbowchorus.org.uk/page0/latest.html
Added by Redhawkman on October 11, 2007