A day of Summer fun. How amoosing! Imagine “It’s a Knockout!”, but in Hawkley and without the silly costumes, Eddie Waring or Stuart Hall. We did consider calling it “It’s a Firkinockout!” but saner counsel prevailed. Challenge for the Hawkley Trophy. Teams of 4 are invited to enter to compete in ancient contests of skill, speed, strength and stamina such as: Barrel rolling race, Tug-of-war,
Greasy pole pillow fight, Yard of ale, Wheelbarrow race (blindfold), Baked bean dunking, (Don’t forget to play your Joker!),
Music will be provided by the Retaliation Blues Band and Chris will be broiling up a storm on the barbeque.
£10 per team entry fee to go to the Village Hall Fund.
Added by easthampshire.org on August 15, 2010