The Elevator Speech ShowTM
Hosted by Veronica Crawford, Editor-in-Chief of BIVISTYLEMAGAZINE.COM
BIVI's launching an exciting new broadcast show for businessesThe Elevator Speech ShowTM. We're invitingindividuals who own ventures and company spokespersons to come on the showto do a one-minute commercial* about their company.
The Elevator Speech ShowTM LIVE
The Elevator Speech ShowTM LIVE is the talk show format and business screening event where professionals will have the opportunity to:
be a part of our talk show audience
meet & greet our show guests
network one-on-one with businesses who are a part of our talk show audience
learn about the dynamics of the show
Our audience? Our show audiences are business-minded professionals who participate in b2b networking and show festivities while they listen to our guests introduce their ventures, products, and services through interview segments and one-minute commercial spots.
Who are our Show Guests?
Company Spokespersons
Owners of Established Businesses and Start-Up Ventures
Account Executives
Sales Representatives
Personalities (ex: Published Authors, Comedians, Actors, etc)
Marketing Director
Public Relations Specialists
Community Leaders
and more!!!
How do I become a member of the show audience?
All individuals interested in coming to the show must register to attend.
Pre-registration is required to attend.
How do I become a guest on the show?
Every business must be screened for consideration of placement on the show.
The Elevator Speech ShowTM LIVE is the only venue where we screen businesses and/or personalities for consideration of placement on the show. Upon screening approval, guest spots are booked only for those who 1) participate as a member of the live audience; and, 2) reserve their commercial or interview spot in-person at The Elevator Speech ShowTM LIVE.
Ways to Use Your Interview or Commercial Spot
As Promotional Collateral for Your Venture!
Your commercial spot will be broadcast on The Elevator Speech ShowTM LIVE.
You can also use your on camera feature as a
continuous promotional tool to broadcast your business.
Promote your business in every way!
Broadcast Your Commercial Spot on:
Your Venture Website
Your Venture E-Newsletter
Your Venture DVDgive-a-way to prospects and clients
Instant B2B Connections: Each show guest will have instant access tobusinesses who are a part of our talk show audience--a dynamic way to make instant B2B connections. B2B connections afford you the opportunity to build relationships and market your ventures products & services to people who want to meet you!
Broadcast Formats: This is a partial list of broadcast formats.
All one-minute commercial spots and interview spots will broadcast on the edited version of the show. Selected segments of The Elevator Speech ShowTM LIVE will be broadcast for promo purposes only on the worldwide web before millions of viewers at one or more popular websites that include:YouTube.com, TheElevatorSpeechShow.com, andBIVISTYLEMAGAZINE.COM.
*Based on the package they select.
The Elevator Speech ShowTM and Meet 60 Businesses in 60 MinutesTM are registered trademarks of BIVI Productions and are fully protected by trademark laws
of the United States of America.
Copyright 2008-2009, BIVI Productions. All rights reserved.
Organized by BIVI ProductionsA Marketing & Media company.
Visit us online at BIVISTYLE.COM
Ticket Info: - The Elevator Speech Show LIVE (Show Admission), $100.00
- The Elevator Speech Show LIVE (Venture Interview Spot), $250.00
Official Website: http://theelevatorspeechshow-upcoming.eventbrite.com