Have you ever wondered why someone knows exactly what to do everyday while someone else remains confused and endlessly searching?
The 1st person "knows" what to do because they are open and tuned into the frequency The Angels use to send Loving Messages to Earth.
The 2nd person is closed off energetically,emotionally,and mentally which results in "feeling" cut off from the same Loving Messages being sent.
Regardless of which person You identify with The Angels want
You to know they are sending You Messages of Love and it is their intention that You hear them Fully!
When You hear them for Yourself and Follow their Loving Guidance You will Lighten Your Step and Expand Your Heart
to Create Heaven on Earth.
The cost of this Experiential Workshop is only 100!
You will receive an ANGELIC MANUAL
FREE Lighten Up Meditation CD
AND if You're one of the FIRST 5 to sign up
You'll also receive a FREE Personalized Angel Reading!
P.S. If you can’t attend due to time constraints,
living outside Wichita or Kansas or even the U.S.
The Angels have made it very clear that they
still want to work WITH You.
Purchase The Experience to learn
how we can all work together to
Create Heaven on Earth!
Receive Your recording of the workshop,
the Angelic Manual, and the
FREE Lighten Up Meditation CD.
If you're able to attend the
class physically it's being
in Maize,Kansas at
Grandma's Farm
10am- 4:30pm
You must register at:
Added by Shifting Your Energy on April 5, 2009