2510 Channing Way Suite 4
Berkeley, California 94704

What is an out-of-body experience?

An out-of-body experience is a conscious split between your physical body and your astral body (the body you use when you dream). This conscious split allows you to see the other dimensions that exist that you do not normally see because of your subconscious projections (a.k.a. dream images). It is also called an astral projection.

What to expect:

In this workshop, one of our teachers will help you understand the process of sleep and of astral projection, what you need to do during your waking hours to facilitate an out-of-body experience at night.

The focus of the evening, however will be on practicing what is being taught – and to this aim, our teachers will guide you through different practices so that you can start experiencing other realms consciously!

As a group, we will explore different concentration and visualization practices for a period of 20 min, sitting down and laying down on cushions in a serene practice room. We will go through a relaxation and each practice will be thoroughly explained.

Drugs and external aids are never used in our practices – all you need is you and your concentration :)

At the end of this evening, you will feel closer to your inner self, being able to understand the process of sleep and of astral projection, and perhaps already have had an out-of-body experience! It’s happened before; it can happen to you!

What to bring:
-Comfortable clothes
-Socks (we ask you to remove your shoes before entering our practice area)
-A light blanket or a sweater if you tend to get cold easily

As always, we welcome all levels to our workshops - Beginners more than welcome!

How much does it cost?
-Free as always!

Why Free?
-Because spirituality should never be sold or bought

How do I register?
-Give us a call at 1-877-GNOSIS-1
-Email us at bayarea@gnosticweb.com
-Show up at the door :)

We hope to see you there!

Keywords: gnosis, spirituality, OBE, astral projection, dreams, nightmares, lucid dreaming, Near death experiences

Official Website: http://www.gnosticweb.com/bayarea

Added by SF Bay Area Gnostic Centre on October 3, 2008