On The UWS
New York, New York 10024

I am a local Obama supporter trying to connect swing state volunteers. I know some people that have a car and want to go to leave for Virginia on Tuesday, Oct. 28, to return to NYC the day after the election, Nov. 5th. But they would like someone to help them with the driving. So if you have a drivers lincense and want to help out, you could go to Virginia the whole time, or just drive them down there, come back in between, and be back there for election day. Please contact me, Tracey, at tdenton@dfnyc.org or 646-251-0680.

This event was submitted by MyBO. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gprjvd

Added by MyBO on October 22, 2008

Interested 1