Join us for an evening to celebrate hats and the comfort they bring to cancer patients. The Asian American Cancer Support Network presents “HATWALK 2010”, a fashion show showcasing hats, auction, dinner and special performance by the Anh Trio & celebrity appearance from actor James Kyson Lee, on Saturday, October 16 at the Hyatt Regency SFO in Burlingame.
For information, call 650-968-8488. Make a difference in the lives of people living with cancer.
AACSN Story: The Asian American Cancer Support Network (AACSN) was founded in July 2003 by May Bakken and Fidelia Butt, M.D., as a non‐profit organization with a mission to become a community resource network for Asian Americans affected by cancer in the Bay Area through social programs and creative fundraising.
Added by maylbakken on August 17, 2010