591 E. Water Street
Pendleton, Indiana 46064

Come one, come all…Join in the fun! The Pendleton Community Public Library is hosting a Harvest Moon Festival on the lawn by Brown’s Pool on Sunday, October 4th from 2:00 p.m. until the fire dies down. Yes, yes…a bonfire under the FULL moon. Bring the whole family to celebrate fall and all of its wonders.

Festival activities include a children’s outdoor theater presented by Minnetrista, children’s crafts, Good’s ice cream, a magician, fall-themed treats and balloons animals. There will also be fall contests, including seed-spitting, pie-eating, and pumpkin-carving. What’s that? You want “s’more?” Well, we’ve got those too! Purchase a s’mores kit from the Friends of the Library and enjoy your melty treat while being captivated by fireside folktales.
Bob Sander, a nationally-known professional storyteller, will be sitting by the fire for an interactive story time filled with tales of folklore. Bob’s show gathers folktales from around the world, often interwoven with music from a variety of musical instruments. About his performance, Bob says, “If 'Once Upon A Time' stories are what most people think of when they think storytelling, that's ok with me. I loved them as a child. I loved them all over again, later, when I rediscovered them as an adult beginning to explore this profession. The way folktales encapsulate wisdom, enlarge cross-cultural understanding, and of course entertain—has kept me occupied as a teller and listener for close to two decades now.”
The Harvest Moon Festival will also feature Rusty Ammerman’s Dimension of Illusion. Rusty’s show is “one part comedy, one part magic, and 42 parts audience participation.” Rusty has entertained thousands of audiences in forty-three states and nine countries. But, on October 4th, Rusty will be at the library’s Harvest Moon Festival in Pendleton, entertaining festival-goers with his magic and comedy show. You will NOT want to miss it!

Added by Pendleton-Gazette on September 19, 2009

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