The Warehouse @ 416-26th St
Part of the Oakland Art Murmur, open on First Friday's as a art gallery. October's show features local artists, our theme is Harvest Fair.
The Warehouse is made of Red Brick, but we see it as green. The Harvest Fair theme takes our city center location into consideration. We are working to bring gardens back into our city.
In addition to the great hanging art, We will feature some planting ideas and unique urban landscaping possibilities.
The Scrivani Family has owned and operated this building since April 2000. The Facility has been the site of parties every, Superbowl, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and our end of winter party, the April or July, "Hair Cut Party". During the past 8 years friends have enjoyed the atmosphere of our small building while construction has been ongoing.
Within a short time the Warehouse will further evolve. Our hope is to increase the garden within the warehouse, in front of the building. We hope to involve neighbors, up and down 26th St. to develop a block long display of plant life. The final frontier will be our roof. Solar power is in our future, once the power company is happy that we use enough power. Along with the solar system we will have a roof garden. The roof garden will provide some building insulation.
Join us on first Friday and meet the owners. Become part of the Warehouse. We are an innovative business, developing a Spence of community, while revitalizing the core of Oakland. Space is available for an office or artist work room.
Join us for our Toastmasters class at 7 AM on Tuesdays. Our beginner street riders, bike ride on Saturday mornings, as announced. Just come and have some fun hanging out with city residents, and enjoy some great local talent.
The Warehouse is a multi purpose facility which provides a venue for local entertainers to perform. A great spot for small parties, (95 people max).
Sincerely, Ron Chris, Gina and Angela Scrivani
No charge, one drink minimum?.
Added by FullCalendar on September 21, 2009