87 Perkins Row
Topsfield, Massachusetts 01983

This versatile rectangular-bottom to oval-top basket features a filled base. Students will weave the sides of the basket using natural rattan and have the option of accenting with dyed weavers in a choice of several patterns. This strong basket is completed with half-round rims, two "rat-tail" white oak Indian swing handles that drop down to rest on the rims, and traditional crossed lashing. A great storage basket, it measures approximately 15 by 10 inches by 8 inches deep. This class is appropriate for all levels of weaving experience. Registration is required. Call 978-887-9264 for details. See http://www.massaudubon.org/catalog/listing.php?program_code=1128-IP10FA1 for more information.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 9, 2010