5201 Corey Rd
Sylvania, Ohio 43560

Get a head start on your holiday gift giving by coming to our always popular "Harvest Auction". The fun begins with bidding wars over the many festive gift baskets filled with beautiful donated items and baked goods for all occasions. Ladies, you won’t want to miss this "FUN"-raiser with Women Connection West at The Sylvania Country Club, 5201 Corey Rd., Sylvania, on Friday, October 9, 10:30 AM-1:30 PM. Cost is $14.00 per person, all inclusive. A complimentary nursery is available by reservation.

Make new friends while bidding on quality gift baskets, enjoy a great lunch and listen to the exhaltations of Liz Aouad from Berkey, Ohio.

Reservations are necessary for all our programs and childcare. Please call Jeannine at 419-841-9653. Reservations are appreciated by October 5.

Women’s Connection West is affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries, a non-denominational organization located in Kansas City, MO. No membership or dues are required and all women in the area are cordially invited to attend our events, held every 2nd Friday of the month.

Added by JPereus on September 21, 2009

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