1374 W Peachtree St Nw
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Welcome to Harvest 07!

Harvest is the brainchild of digital artist Bill Reichardt (a.k.a. tsubasa)
and Pinup/Fetish photographer Timothy Dolph. In conjunction with the Erotic Signature (www.eroticsignature.com), Harvest’s mission is to procure the best in erotic expression in a presentation that will prove to be the Southeastern United States’ preeminent
erotic art show. This one night event will showcase the erotic works of internationally renowned artists in addition to multi-media presentations, fashion shows and live performance.

The Harvest approach has its roots in a self-imposed demand for quality and an artist’s embedded love of his or her craft. Along with a pan-sexual open-mindedness that feeds social responsibility, the Harvest presentation will not only expose artists to an audience that they might previously not have had, but expose an audience to experiences they might never have the opportunity to encounter.

Harvest is not a Fetish show. It’s not a Pin-Up or Erotic Photography
show. Harvest is not a Sexy Painting show. It’s not Burlesque and and it’s not Bondage. What is it then? It’s an amalgamation of all of these and more!

Harvest will present 50 of the world’s best artists in all genres of the erotic arts in addition to performance and erotic fashion design. The ever-growing list of artists, performers and designers that will fill the Harvest 07 night with sensuality, grace and eroticism can be found on our website: www.harvestartshow.com

In addition to Harvest’s visual and cerebral offerings, proceeds from The Erotic Signature book and a portion of Harvest07 sales will be donated to the Elton John Aids Foundation (www.ejaf.org) in the interest of bettering human sexuality and health.

Official Website: http://www.harvestartshow.com

Added by dolphstudio on August 23, 2007

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