Morones Prieto 4500 Pte, Col Jesus M Garza
Garza Garca, Nuevo Leon 66238

Leadership and Management in a Global Economy offers to the executives the opportunity to analyze the way in how to manage your organization, also, to learn new abilities and strategies in the actual changing conditions. This program is offered by Harvard Extension School and Universidad de Monterrey in Mexico.

Module I. Strategic Marketing
Module II. Oral Communication for Executives
Module III. Strategic Management
Module IV. Management for Human Resources
Module V. Leadership and Administrative Styles

More information:, Tel. +52 (81) 8215-4800 or : 01 800-801-UDEM or in UDEM Web Site (in Spanish)

$39,600 pesos plus taxes(15%) for groups of 3 or more participants of the same company
$44,500 pesos plus taxes(15%) paying up to February 27th
$49,500 pesos plus taxes(15%) from February 28th and to March 18th.


Harvard Extension School Certificate
Handouts and material
Lunch and coffee braks

James Honan, Mohsin Habib, Marjorie North, Robert Benfari y David Shore
Universidad de Monterrey :: Educacin Continua :: Cursos, seminarios, diplomados y certificaciones

Organized by Universidad de Monterrey
Universidad de Monterrey stands out as model of liberal arts education. We believe that education does not only consist of the acquisition of knowledge, but should also seek the comprehensive and holistic development of the human being.

Official Website:

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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