600 Main Street
Evansville, Indiana 47708

Harry has everything a little white dog with black spots could want. There’s just one problem: he hates taking baths. He hates them so much, in fact, that one morning he runs away. After a wonderful day spent playing in the dirt, Harry gets so grubby that he turns into a little black dog with white spots…and returns home to find that his family doesn’t recognize him!

ArtsPower’s new musical, based on the classic book by Gene Zion with illustrations by Margaret Bloy Graham, captures both the whimsical humor and touching dedication to family found in Harry’s story.

Based on the book HARRY THE DIRTY DOG by Gene Zion. Illustrations by Margaret Bloy Graham. Published by Harper Collins, 1956. Presented under an exclusive agreement. All rights reserved.

Official Website: http://www.artspower.org/shows/harry-the-dirty-dog/

Added by RStadium on May 2, 2009

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