65 Warren Street
Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119

Saturday June 14th from 12 - 6  The 4th Annual Harlem Book Fair - Roxbury .  A day long celebration of African American authors, poets and literary activities Featuring Boston's first Poet Laureate Sam Cornish  

Workshops on Creative Writing, African American Book Clubs, Writing for Children and Youth, Family Literacy Projects.

All genres of African American literature, Poets ,Entertainment, Vendors, Spoken Word,  Childrens Pavilion with Story Telling, Literacy Activities, African American Jeopardy, Prizes.

The Book Fair  is free and open to the public.

In case of rain the Book Fair will be held at the Vine Street Community Center, Vine & Dudley Streets.

for Author and vendor applications and information contact Roxbury Action Program @ 617-442-4400 or  rapnroxbury@verizon.net.


Official Website: http://www.cityblack.com/event/23413

Added by cityblack on May 16, 2008

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