Hardboiled Heroes and Cozy Cats 2009 Conference on Saturday, June 20, will feature D.P. Lyle, M.D., Macavity Award winning and Edgar Award nominated author of non-fiction books, Murder and Mayhem, Forensics For Dummies, and Forensics and Fiction as well as thrillers, Devil's Payground and Double Blind. His most recent book is: Howdunnit: Forensics: A Guide For Writers.
Joining Dr. D.P.Lyle to share their knowledge and expertisewill be a diverse and talented group ofwriters,aswell as anagent looking for clients.
Get a jump on the conferenceby attending the Pre-ConferenceWorkshopsonFriday,June 19.
Pre-Conference Workshop1 - 12-1:30 p.m. -Agent, Jordan Hansen of the Hansen-McMenamy Books on Vetting Your Potential Agent
Pre-Conference Workshop2 - 1:45-3:00 p.m.- L.C. Hayden andRadine TreesNehring on Everything You Wanted to Know About Publishing But Were Afraid To Ask.
Pre-Conference Workshop3- 3:15-4:30 p.m. - Dr. D.P. LyleonPlotting the Perfect Murder
Pre-Conference Workshop4 - 4:45-6:00 p.m. - Retired FBI Agent-In-Charge, Dick Schewin on Proper Procedure and Crime Scenes
Take your pick or take all and miss nothing.
Organized by MWASWMystery Writers of America, Southwest Chapter
Ticket Info: - Early Bird through March 31, $138.38
- Member, $153.75
- Pre-Conference 1 Workshop, $35.99
- Pre-Conference 2 Workshops, $41.00
- Pre-Conference 3 Workshops, $46.12
- Pre-Conference 4 Workshops, $51.25
Official Website: http://mwasw2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com