529 14th Street, NW, 13th Floor
Washington, DC, District of Columbia 20045

Forum One's next Web Executive Seminar at the National Press Club is titled, "Hard Choices, Real Lessons: Internet Planning for Decision Makers."

This session is for anyone at a nonprofit organization or government agency who has ever faced hard choices about how to spend and manage an internet technology budget.

The web offers great opportunities, but big risks too. We all face questions such as, how do I know which trends are trendy and which ones are worth investment? How do I coordinate my efforts across departments? When should I build internal capacity, and when should I outsource?

Our speakers will provide stories and tips from senior technology decision makers at both large and small organizations such as the Center for Responsive Politics (a 2007 Webby Award Winner) and the U.S. International Trade Commission. We'll facilitate an engaging discussion about best practices in approaching the hard technology choices facing decision makers at nonprofits, policy organizations and federal agencies. This event offers plenty of time for audience questions, sharing your own ideas, and good old-fashioned networking.

Official Website: http://www.forumone.com/techplan

Added by andrewcohen on June 11, 2007



forum one should make a upcoming group for all the events..