1436 Howard Street
San Francisco, California

Come hang out with the co-founders of Icanhascheezburger.com as they swing into town to meet/greet with Lolcat fans and friends.

Eric Nakagawa and Kari Unebasami, co-founders of http://www.Icanhascheezburger.com are in SF from Hawaii to meet with Lolcat fans, fanatics, and friends to share their latest labor of love.

I Can Has Cheezburger?: A LOLcat Colleckshun (Paperback)
by Professor Happycat (Author)

Check out preview copies of the official I Can Has Cheezburger book and get your copy autographed!

They'll also be talking about the exciting LOLZoo event to suport SFZoo's Adopt an Animal Program. LOLZoo is an event happening on Sept 27th. Details to come shortly.

Beers and light refreshments for the event will be made available.
Co-Sponsored by LaughingSquid and PariSoMa

* The book's official website is http://www.lulzftw.com
* Follow us on Twitter wtih @lulzftw
* Book public launch date is 10/7/08
* We has a facebook fan group! http://icanhaz.com/lulzftw
* Email questions to lulzftwbook@gmail.com

Official Website: http://www.lulzftw.com

Added by minjungkim on September 9, 2008