Come to our Happy Hour for Good on July 19th and the 3rd Thursday of every month - waterfront on Lake Union. All proceeds this month will benefit Lake Union Rotary Community Projects like our historic Poulsbo Boat with electric engine. Come and bring friends - go for a boat ride. Your $20 donation includes wine, beer and appetizers from 5:30-7:30pm at the Center for Wooden Boats. You can party, meet new friends and do good at the same time!
This is a casual way of finding out more about Rotary and the great work this service organization does locally and worldwide under the motto "Service Above Self". We'll have a 5-minute program to introduce you to Rotary. The rest of the Happy Hour is spent socializing, taking boat rides and enjoying our unique waterfront venue.
Happy Hour for Good is a great chance to meet business professionals and entrepreneurs from around Lake Union.
On the 3rd Thursday of the month, the Happy Hour for Good replaces our normal Friday breakfast meeting. Visitors are always welcome.
Complimentary parking pass is available with prepaid registration!
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 16, 2012