2039 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, Virginia 22209

Okay, it's time for our next young Asian professionals happy hour!

Spread the word, mix and mingle with new and familiar faces, have some fun, and help support a good cause!... suggested $5 - $10 donation.

We'll be benefiting MVMA's (Maryland Vietnamese Mutual Association) GAPS (Golden Age Project for Seniors) program, a program which helps seniors navigate resources provided by the government. MVMA's mission overall is to serve, support, and advance the Vietnamese American community. Please note 80% of proceeds will go to the MVMA's GAPS program, the remaining 20% will go to the 20s & 30s Asian group to cover meetup fees and expenses.

DJ Teng will be spinning loungy groovy beats for us. Our happy hours typically bring out 150 - 250 people, and I wouldn't be surprised with a similar turnout this time around. For those that haven't been there before, Gua Rapo is a sleek lounge with international flair, hookah pipes, and "guarapo" (meaning sugarcane juice) cocktails, for which the place is named after. WE'LL BE ON THE SECOND FLOOR. See www.latinconcepts.com/guarapo

To help continue the friendly tone of this group... I'd like to again encourage each person to have a GOAL OF MEETING 3 NEW PEOPLE at this event.

For more details and to rsvp look here...http://www.meetup.com/20sand30sasiangroup/calendar/9618215/

To join our group check us out here...http://www.meetup.com/20sand30sasiangroup/
- J.T.


Courthouse metro (RECOMMENDED) is within walking distance (Orange line), just 2 stops outside of DC, yet still in VA for you NoVA peeps. WE'LL BE ON THE SECOND FLOOR. Suggest metro / cabbing it (esp. during rush hour), recommend using wmata.

Added by 20s and 30s asian group on January 28, 2009