UPDATE #2: The DC Metro Volleyball Group will be joining us as well!... this is gonna be a fuuuun one!
UPDATE: The drink specials are $3 domestic beer, $4 imports, $4 red / white wines (6 of them), and $6 martinis (ones from the menu).
Come out to another CO-SPONSORED happy hour at Eyebar Thursday, November 9th, from 6:30pm to 9:30pm to mix and mingle with the following groups.
. DC Singles Group
. 20's & 30's Going Out Group
. Weekly Dinner Group
. DC Metro Volleyball Group
DJ Rich Ang will again be spinning soft, loungy, groovy music for us... http://www.myspace.com/djrichang... and based on feedback, volume-level will be conversation appropriate.
The last CO-SPONSORED happy hour I hosted at Lima brought out over 200 folks, and I anticipate just as good of a turnout, if not better this time around... should be a GREAT time!
1716 I St NW
Washington, DC 20006
Right off Farragut West Metro or Farragut North Metro.
For more information, see http://www.eyebardc.com
Official Website: http://nightlife.meetup.com/161/calendar/5188993/
Added by j.t. on October 16, 2006