Happy Hour 2.0 at ZendCon!
ZendCon, the largest PHP convention of the year, is hosting a Lunch 2.0 event, Happy Hour 2.0! We are throwing open the doors to everyone for one night. Come check out the Exhibit Hall, hang in the Community Lounge, eat, drink, and talk shop with friends new and old.
H2.0 attendees are also welcome to stay for the other events happening on Tuesday evening, Birds of a Feather sessions, Meet The Teams, etc.
Space is limited so if you are not already registered for ZendCon, you must RSVP to be able to attend.
Bring business cards as there will be drawings, fabulous (and some not so fabulous) prizes!
For more information on attending ZendCon visit:
For more information on Lunch 2.0 visit:
Official Website: http://zendcon.com
Added by CalEvans on September 5, 2007