Happy Healthy Hour
Join us at Downtown Cleveland's first integrated wellness clinic
Switch things up from the usual after work stop!
Come mingle with our practitioners and experience healthy treats, it’s all free!
•Grab a 15 minute chair massage
•Come chat it up and strike a pose with some of our yoga teachers
•Down an herbal tea high ball
•Throw back a virgin Vita-Mix blender cocktail
•De-stress through an acupuncture sampler
•VIP drink of the night: Mon Avie’s just released energy drink
*This beverage is not yet available in stores; try it here for the first time*
•Discover the difference between LaStone therapy and hot stone massage
•Learn about the benefits of aromatherapy
Be sure to stay for the Young Living Core Cleansing presentation at 7:30pm
Official Website: http://www.metropolitantherapies.com
Added by Metropolitan Therapies on August 19, 2009