394 Floods Drive,
Spring Grove, Central Singapore 23881

The focal point of the weekend is learning and experiencing the love of Christ through large/ small groups, fellowship, fun and play. Even more, this event provides a means to continue the Christianformation, which only has begun in the three-day program. The weekend format includes series of talks, movies, small group activities, and worship. The schedule allows ample opportunity to meet and form friendships with Christians from many different places and on many different faith journeys. While the weekend is designed for young people, advisors, clergy, and parents also are welcome to attend aHappening. The Happening weekend begins with registration from 7-7:45 pm (after dinner) on Friday evening and ends about 6 p.m. on Sunday. Since we will be preparing for your arrival we ask that you be sure to arrive between 7-7:45 pm. We cannot start without you! Because of the format of this retreat, participants are expected to stay the entire weekend. If you cannot, please wait to apply for another weekend. You will receive a letter with all the information you will need for the weekend.

All Attendees must have a signed Community Life Standards form and Medical Release form to attend the Happening Weekend. Please download and print a copy of each from this site and bring with you signed by attendee and parent/guardian
Community Life Standards
Medical Release Form
Happener Application
Staff Application

Organized by Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia
Happening Committee
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia
600 Talbot Hall RoadNorfolk, VA 23505PHONE: (757) 423-8287
email address : rmason.diosova@yahoo.com
website: http://www.freewebs.com/eycdiosova
Diocesan Youth Ministries-
Rick Mason - rmason.diosova@yahoo.com

Ticket Info:  
  • deposit / Happener, $71.75
  • Paid In Full / Happener, $138.38
  • Deposit/ Staff, $71.75
  • Paid In Full / Staff, $138.38

Official Website: http://happening-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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