On Thursday, March 19th HanVoice welcomes you to our largest and most anticipated event, yet! HanVoice will be hosting a movie screening of Crossing at Bloor Cinema (506 Bloor Street West on Bathurst). Crossing is South Korea’s official entry for the 2009 Oscar Best Foreign Language Film category. Crossing is the first major film to capture the North Korean refugee situation and denial of human rights in North Korea. Tickets are $10 for HanVoice members and ambassadors, and $15 for non-members (memberships will be sold during event night). Also, there will be a group rate of $10 per ticket for a group of 10 people or more.
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Official Website: http://www.hanvoice.org
Added by hanvoicetoronto on March 8, 2009
This event is open to everyone. Please come and find out about the most secretive state in the world.