Handwriting Analysis Course
Learn how to earn $100/hour and
discover a quick way to find out what people are REALLY like!
Friday, September 21st, 7pm-10pm
Saturday, September 22nd, 9:30am-6pm
Sunday, September 23rd, 9:30am-6pm
Would you like to learn a new skill that you can charge $100/hour for? With this skill, you can make $400 in just one night!
Would you like to be able to quickly discover what people are REALLY like and NOT what they want you to see/know about them? Friends, lovers, co-workers, family, people you may hire... you'll be able to instantly see what makes people "tick" and why they are the way they are. (You'll actually become like an amateur psychologist!)
In one weekend, you will learn well over 100 personality traits that you can tell about anyone just by looking at how they write!
Not only will you learn how to easily see these telling things about people, you will also learn multiple ways in which you can make back your investment for this class in just 1 day!
About the analyst/teacher:
Throughout her 7 year career in Handwriting Analysis, Kellye has been on both radio and TV, written a book ("Pocket Personality Profiler"), analyzed hundreds, if not thousands of people's handwriting, performed compatibility analyses, helped many people change their lives by showing them how to change their writing (graphotherapy), given talks to organizations such as Kiwanis Club and Mesquite Citizens on Patrol Alumni Association, analyzed handwriting for attendees at parties for places such as Viewpoint Bank, Crump Insurance and Lake Highlands High School, and trained her students on how to analyze people from their handwriting. For more information, visit: www.brainwriting.com
Where: Spiritual Fitness Center, 1237 Executive Dr East, Richardson, TX 75081, 972-690-1887
Investment: $375 (See discounts below)
Register by Sunday, September 9th for a $50 discount off class cost.
Register by Sunday, September 16th for a $25 discount off class cost.
To register and/or for more information, visit http://www.brainwriting.com (Click on "Classes")
(Pre-registration with a $50 deposit is required to attend this class.)
Official Website: http://www.brainwriting.com
Added by Kellye on September 3, 2007