The Telecom Council of Silicon Valley presents the Handset Innovation Review, sponsored by Kotra.
As the delivery vehicle, handsets a critical part of EVERY industry stakeholders value chain. Handsets are such a rich topic; we could talk about them all day and still have covered nothing but Nokia! In this meeting on handsets we'll try to bite off a more manageable piece of the handset space, and one that is very important today: The Handset development lifecycle and how to insert innovation into handsets.
The iPhone set off a flurry of handset innovation: from UI to touch screens, faster processors, Wifi, sleek designs, and an end-to-end ecosystem. Now, the data is unmistakable, and every vendor wants to mimic the look and feel of the iPhone, while every carrier wants to see the spike in service use that the iPhone UI stimulates.
* So what are the elements that make phones successful?
* Is beauty only skin deep? Or changes start down in the silicon?
* How can entrepreneurs influence future handsets?
* Who controls and owns the UI?
* Touch, Haptics, icons, screen size, buttons, keyboards. What are the physical elements of success?
* What are handset CVC and R&D groups looking for from Silicon Valley?
Join us as the Telecom Council, our Mobile Forum, and a roster of speakers and experts discuss the topics above, and as the delegates in the room decide how the UI of tomorrow will look and feel.
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Added by FullCalendar on September 19, 2008