Would you like hands-on guidance in learning how to use your digital camera and the computer programs that came with it? In this course, participants will work in a computer lab at individual workstations operating on a Windows® platform to practice picture transfer, organization, email, online publishing, and backup. Professional photographers Tammy and Andrew Adams will introduce you to digital technology, discuss what makes a good digital camera, and provide an introduction to photo-enhancement software. They also will discuss how to get the best pictures from your camera from both a technical and aesthetic standpoint. Participants will be encouraged to email the instructors before and during class for buying decisions, use questions, and photo critiques.

Seven Tuesdays, September 25-November 6, 1:30-4:00 p.m.,
plus optional visit to the Houston Zoo, date and time to be announced
Limited enrollment
Registration and fee information available at Rice GSCS Web site

Official Website: http://www.gscs.rice.edu/NccCourseView.asp?Mode=View&clCourseID=510

Added by gscs_rice on June 28, 2007



Howdy! I'm the instructor; you can email me at andrew@andrewadams.com if you have questions about the content of the class; logistical questions about signing up are better addressed by the SCS Staff. I'm also teaching both the basic and the intermediate class in the evenings via another part of the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies, but, in the evening class, people bring their own laptops or follow along with me since we're not in a computer lab. I look forward to seeing y'all!
