The Legend Hotel
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur

Every organization has its fair share of ‘good’ and ‘problem’ employee. While the vast majority of employees are ‘good’ there are also sometimes ‘bad’ employees.

The question arises how to handle these employees firstly with the aim of rehabilitating them and making them ‘useful’ again or in the worst possible scenario take disciplinary action including dismissal from service.

However it is not that easy to just terminate an employee’s services as many employers have found out…very very late.

The Industrial Court takes exception to employers for not following certain well-laid down procedures and in the process open themselves to ‘mala fide decisions’ or decisions made in bad faith.

Badly handled cases have resulted in dismissed employees being reinstated to their former positions with backdated wages and / or with high compensation.

This programme shows how to handle problem employees, take ‘natural justice’ and legal Disciplinary Action and Domestic Inquiry to prevent cases going to the Industrial Court.

The topics include: counseling, role of rules and regulations; warning letters; types of disciplinary action; suspension; case study on how a domestic inquiry is carried out; role play on carrying a domestic inquiry; relevant aspects of Employment Act and Industrial Relations Act; Analyses of decisions by the Industrial Court

* Carry out disciplinary action in line with the concept of ‘natural justice’.
* Avoid common pitfalls while handling employee issues.
* Identify minor and major misconduct.
* Carry out professional counseling.
* Understand how rules play an important part in taking disciplinary action.
* Understand how a minor misconduct can become a major one.
* Write the various letters on suspension, charge sheet, warning & dismissal.
* Design questions for the inquiry.
* Understand ‘dismissal’ and ‘constructive dismissal’.
* Decide how to make a disciplinary decisions.
* Decide on minor and major penalty.

Who Should Attend

HR / Non-HR Managers, Executives, Supervisors, Assistants and anyone who are involved in employee performance evaluation.

Official Website:

Added by tfliam on December 30, 2008