4625 Kellogg Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 45226

The Deets: Join us for the Annual Handlebars Cornhole Tournament held at the sunny Sandbar located at 4609 Kellogg Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45226. We expect a huge turnout and there's no limit to the amount of people who can attend, so sign-up as soon as possible to be considered a Platinum Participant. Anyone who waits will be considered a Pewter Participant.

Cost: $20 a person. That's $40 a team. Feel free to give more. We'd prefer to pummel MS with a big bag of cash. Singles will be matched by the Will of God.

Winnings: The Winning team will receive a luxurious prize dolla dolla bills and perhaps more.

Why: Because you should because playing cornhole and pounding brews is a good time and because raising money for MS is Righteous as Hell.

RSVP ASAP to Sean Comer at seantcomer@gmail.com or post it here on the ol' FB to let us know you'll be playing.

Or just show up the day of and it'll be dandy.


Added by thesandbarcincinnati on August 9, 2012