Handi Quilter Truck Load Sales and Handi Quilter Classes! Come in and test drive the latest in Handi Quilter machines and save. Special pricing during the event. Thinking of purchasing a long arm or sit down machine and want to know more or already own a Handi Quilter join us for these wonderful classes with HQ National educator Harriet Carpanini. Basics of Long Arm Quilting- This class is for you if you are looking to own a long arm quilting machine or have already purchased one. We will look at all the Handi Quilter machines can do including using Groovy Boards, Pantographs, Micro Handles, Rulers, Stencils and even the Pro Stitcher. You will learn lots of tips and tricks to long arm quilting! This class is a lecture/demo with hands on time to try the machine. Not enough space for a long arm machine? Come and try the HQ Sweet Sixteen Sit Down machine. 16" of usable throat space! This class will demonstrate how to baste a large quilt, use decorative threads, rulers, stencils and marking tools for successful quilting. This class is a lecture/demo with plenty of time to try your hand at machine quilting. Six Ways to Quilt. This is a lecture/demo/hands on class that will expand on the Basics of Long Arm Quilting class. We will look at Groovy Boards and Pantographs, how to position for the next row, Micro Handles- how to use the Precision and Cruise setting on the machine, Rulers-see all the rulers available in the Handi Quilter line, Stencils, how to mark on your quilt and even how to create a whole cloth with one stencil, and last, computerized quilting with the HQ Pro-Stitcher. See how easy it is to choose a block, place it and quilt it out.
Official Website: http://www.guaranteevac.com/
Added by Handi Quilter on May 21, 2012